Joe and I were invited to a murder mystery dinner party on Halloween night. It was lots of fun! We have finally made some friends!!!! Yay for us :) Everyone who went to the party were young married couples from our ward. They were so nice and we had a great time. It was nice to hang out with some people our age (don't worry Trina and Kristan, we still love you).
The theme was a pirate murder mystery. We all dressed up and acted like a character the whole night. We had to find out clues and make alliances with each other and try to find out who killed "Merciless Morgan." We were all suspects, but needed to find the true killer...
"One-Eyed Wanda" & "Commodore Clearing"
"Merciless Morgan" & "The Galley Wench"
"Thumbless Jack" & "Mad Rose"
"Seaman Sam" & "Brethless Betty"